Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Who’s to blame here?!

It’s completely normal for conflicts to arise in relationships. But, how we respond to these conflicts can reveal deep-seated patterns and beliefs about ourselves and others. Some individuals have a natural tendency to blame others when faced with challenges, deflecting responsibility and externalizing the problem. Conversely, others are quick to shoulder the blame, assuming fault even when it may not be warranted.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Perfectionism and letting go of control

Perfectionism and high-performing anxiety are more common than you might think, and they often go hand in hand, creating a relentless pressure to excel in every aspect of life. But, beneath the surface of apparent success lies a tangled web of self-doubt and overwhelm. In this blog post, we’ll explore the roots of perfectionism, its ties to childhood trauma, and practical strategies for finding peace amidst the chaos.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Why it’s easier to blame yourself in relationships

Self-blame is a common, yet often overlooked, aspect in relationships. When difficulties arise, one partner will often shoulder the responsibility, while the other remains mostly unaccountable. As this cycle perpetuates, it creates an imbalance that prevents growth and healing. In this blog post, we're discussing self-blame in relationships, why it's often easier to blame ourselves than our partners, and how this pattern can impact individual and relational well-being.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

The complex grief of seeking space from your parents

As a therapist specializing in trauma recovery, I often work with individuals who make the challenging decision to establish boundaries or seek space from their parents. This choice can stem from various factors, each contributing to a unique and complex set of emotions. Let's explore some common reasons why adults may choose this path and discuss the grief and guilt that accompanies such a decision.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Why you shouldn’t hold everything in

In relationships of any kind, the ability to be vulnerable and authentic is crucial for emotional well-being and depth of connection. However, many individuals find themselves navigating environments where revealing their true selves is met with disapproval, judgment, or even rejection. In such spaces, the compulsion to keep secrets and maintain a facade can give rise to a form of psychological trauma that silently takes its toll, often starting at a young age.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Exploring Amanda's MBTI: The ISFJ Personality Type

As an ISFJ, I embody the qualities of "The Protector" or "The Nurturer." We are characterized by our compassion, reliability, and attention to detail. As introverts, we draw energy from within ourselves and are deeply attuned to the emotions and needs of others. ISFJs have a strong sense of duty and are committed to supporting and caring for those around them.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Time for a quiz! What’s your personality type?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely used personality assessment tool designed to offer insights into individual preferences, tendencies, and behaviors. Developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers in the mid-20th century, the MBTI draws upon the psychological theories of Carl Jung to categorize individuals into one of 16 distinct personality types.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Narcissism & DARVO

In recent years, the term "narcissism" has become increasingly prevalent in discussions about personality traits and interpersonal dynamics. Narcissism, rooted in Greek mythology, refers to a personality disorder characterized by a grandiose sense of self-importance, a need for excessive admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. The rise of social media and a culture of self-promotion have greatly contributed to the visibility of narcissistic behaviors in society today.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

My partner thinks we should go to sex therapy…

Sex therapy is often the first step that many couples take in hopes of fostering deeper connection and satisfaction in their relationship as a whole. But, it isn’t always the most successful or sustainable route to take. As a couples therapist, I've worked with many individuals and couples who’ve ultimately discovered that the source of their disconnection goes deeper than sex.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

I’m the only one who wants change in my relationships…

The journey of self-discovery and healing is often fueled by a desire for positive change in various aspects of our lives, including relationships. However, one common frustration that emerges is the realization that, despite your personal growth and evolving perspectives, the same may not be true for those around you.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

What does it mean if I’m judging my partner?

As humans, we're wired to make judgments—it's an inherent aspect of how our brains process information. Even in romantic relationships, it's not uncommon to find ourselves passing judgment on our partners. However, the key lies in understanding the nature of these judgments, recognizing their impact, and fostering open communication.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

I thought my trauma was behind me…

Many individuals believe that their traumas are safely tucked away in the past. But, past wounds can suddenly and unexpectedly find their way into the present, influencing emotional well-being and daily functioning. As a therapist specializing in trauma recovery, I understand that it can be surprising to discover how the impact of past traumas are subtly shaping your day-to-day life.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Interdependence vs. codependence

In the realm of relationships, the balance between interdependence and codependence significantly shapes the dynamics between individuals. As a therapist specializing in trauma recovery, I often meet with individuals and couples who need support in navigating this complex topic.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Can I repair relationships if I’m conflict avoidant?

In this blog post, we'll explore what it means to be conflict avoidant, the impact of childhood experiences on conflict resolution, and how therapeutic work can empower individuals to repair relationships even when conflict feels challenging.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Rethinking New Year’s Resolutions

As we approach 2024, the tradition of setting New Year's Resolutions can be both inspiring and overwhelming. From social media feeds filled with ambitious goals to conversations buzzing with self-improvement plans, the pressure to join the resolution bandwagon can be intense.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Navigating the holidays when you don’t get along with family

As we approach the holiday season, a time traditionally associated with warmth, joy, and family gatherings, the reality for some individuals can be quite different. For those who don't get along with their family, the holidays can evoke a range of emotions, from anxiety to loneliness.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Setting boundaries in a romantic relationship

Setting boundaries in romantic relationships can often be a challenging task, as many individuals tend to question what’s “acceptable.” However, just because it’s a romantic relationship doesn’t mean you aren’t entitled to and deserving of boundaries.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Uncovering repressed memories

Repressed memories are memories that have been unconsciously blocked from conscious awareness due to the stressful or traumatic nature of the events they represent.

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