EMDR therapy in Oregon & Washington

“Change your brain, change your pain.” - Mark Grant


You can get relief from your trauma without re-living it.

Have you tried traditional talk therapy, but not seen the change you were hoping for?


You’ve read all the self-help books, maybe even been to therapy for, and often are acting as the therapist to your friends and co-workers because you know all the things are supposed to help. And yet, you’re still struggling with internalizing the skills, knowledge, and advice yourself.

You wish there was a way to go deeper in your therapeutic process and remove all the blocks and barriers to you making the changes you’ve been wanting for so long.

That’s where EMDR comes in.

What is EMDR?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapeutic approach that focuses on the brain as the healer and the therapist as the coach towards healing. EMDR draws upon the brain’s ability to constantly learn and update past experiences with present information. Have you ever felt like logically you “know” something, but emotionally there is a block in feeling that something? That’s exactly what EMDR can target.

EMDR uses a protocol of organizing unwanted and desired feelings, emotions, and thoughts, and then uses bilateral stimulation (eye movements left and right, alternating tapping, tones or music) to help you effectively work through disturbing memories. The process of this bilateral stimulation is thought to replicate what our eyes do during REM sleep - shift back and forth, left and right - which helps engage in processing events of the day, rest, and heal for the next day. 

In addition to making the things in your past and present less painful, EMDR helps individuals increase their connection to positive thoughts and feelings, thereby enhancing their resilience and ability to face future events in a more balanced and empowered way. In other words, EMDR helps make the things in your future less daunting.

How does EMDR work?

There are 3 stages to EMDR, and here’s what you can expect:

  • First we’ll talk through your goals for EMDR. We’ll discuss your history of therapy and adverse life events, your current support systems and coping skills

  • Next, we’ll engage in processing the emotions, thoughts, and memories you’re seeking relief from. This is where the actual EMDR part (i.e., the eye-movement or other form of bilateral stimulation) occurs.

  • Finally, we’ll work towards integrating your new emotions, thoughts, and memories.


How EMDR works

Watch this two minute video to learn more.

EMDR Therapy can help with…

  • Trauma/PTSD

  • Adverse childhood experiences/CPTSD

  • Abuse or neglect

  • Anxiety, phobias, OCD

  • Eating disorders

  • Performance anxiety

  • Grief & loss

  • Depression

  • Addictions

  • Sleep difficulties

Many people who try EMDR say they notice:

  • their memories shift from random pieces of a puzzle to a clear picture

  • feeling like they can move on from past traumas more quickly

  • decreased emotional charge to their memories

  • new perspective and insight on past events

  • improved confidence and self-compassion

  • better sleep

EMDR can help you finally break free from the chains that have been holding you back in your life and relationships.

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Frequently asked questions about EMDR therapy


  • You’ll be asked a series of questions to access negative experiences and desired resolutions. Sets of rapid bilateral stimulation (via eye movement or tapping) will occur for brief periods of time. You’ll report any changes you notice, as the brain will be working through the experience during the stimulation. Processing will continue until you experience lower levels of disturbance and higher levels of positive thoughts and affect.

    You can read more about EMDR on the international associations’ homepage here.

  • Many people really like doing EMDR from the safety and comfort of their home, as they can then have supportive objects, people, or pets nearby. Online EMDR works just as well as in-person EMDR!

    For some technicalities, I use a HIPAA-compliant system, Easy EMDR, that helps with setting up a stimulus where you can track an object left and right across your screen.

  • There are various forms of EMDR that can be applied during your therapy sessions depending on what you’re wanting to process and work through, your current coping skills and support, etc.

    There are many components from EMDR that can be effective and helpful regardless of where you’re starting. However, if you currently get overwhelmed by your emotions and experience symptoms of panic attacks or dissociation, it is likely EMDR is not a good model to start with. Though with some other therapy interventions, it can be helpful down the line when your body and brain and more ready.

  • We’ll start with a free 20 minute consultation so that we can meet and see how we connect.

    I truly believe the connection between therapist and client makes all the difference in therapy, so if either of us decides we are not the best fit, I will be happy to provide you with referrals.

    If we do decide we’re a good fit, we’ll schedule an initial 60 minute session and go from there.


In-person therapy in Eugene, OR


We operate out of The District in the 5th Street Alley in Eugene, OR. This is a co-working space, meaning we have a private office in a suite of other businesses.