Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

You’re allowed to change your mind!

One of the most empowering yet challenging aspects of healing from trauma is learning to set boundaries. For many who have experienced trauma, this concept can be daunting. However, it is crucial to understand that you are always allowed to change your mind and make decisions that best support your well-being.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Why masking your emotions isn’t helping anyone

In the journey of trauma recovery, one of the often overlooked but critical aspects is the tendency to mask emotions. Many individuals, especially those who have experienced significant trauma, develop this coping mechanism as a way to navigate through life. While it might appear on the surface that such individuals are exceptionally calm and grounded, the reality is often far more complex.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Why it’s easier to blame yourself in relationships

Self-blame is a common, yet often overlooked, aspect in relationships. When difficulties arise, one partner will often shoulder the responsibility, while the other remains mostly unaccountable. As this cycle perpetuates, it creates an imbalance that prevents growth and healing. In this blog post, we're discussing self-blame in relationships, why it's often easier to blame ourselves than our partners, and how this pattern can impact individual and relational well-being.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Why you shouldn’t hold everything in

In relationships of any kind, the ability to be vulnerable and authentic is crucial for emotional well-being and depth of connection. However, many individuals find themselves navigating environments where revealing their true selves is met with disapproval, judgment, or even rejection. In such spaces, the compulsion to keep secrets and maintain a facade can give rise to a form of psychological trauma that silently takes its toll, often starting at a young age.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

My partner thinks we should go to sex therapy…

Sex therapy is often the first step that many couples take in hopes of fostering deeper connection and satisfaction in their relationship as a whole. But, it isn’t always the most successful or sustainable route to take. As a couples therapist, I've worked with many individuals and couples who’ve ultimately discovered that the source of their disconnection goes deeper than sex.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Can I repair relationships if I’m conflict avoidant?

In this blog post, we'll explore what it means to be conflict avoidant, the impact of childhood experiences on conflict resolution, and how therapeutic work can empower individuals to repair relationships even when conflict feels challenging.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Rethinking New Year’s Resolutions

As we approach 2024, the tradition of setting New Year's Resolutions can be both inspiring and overwhelming. From social media feeds filled with ambitious goals to conversations buzzing with self-improvement plans, the pressure to join the resolution bandwagon can be intense.

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