Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Building Confidence and Self-Worth: Therapy for Self-Esteem in Eugene, OR and online throughout Oregon and Washington

Self-esteem plays a crucial role in shaping how we view ourselves and the world around us. It affects our relationships, our work, and our overall sense of well-being. When self-esteem is low, it can leave us feeling stuck, unworthy, and disconnected from our true potential. Therapy for self-esteem is designed to help individuals explore the root causes of their low self-worth, develop healthier self-perceptions, and build a stronger foundation for confidence and self-compassion.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

A Pathway to Rapid Healing: Therapy Intensives in Eugene, OR and online throughout Oregon and Washington

When it comes to healing from trauma, everyone’s journey is unique. Some individuals find comfort in the slow, steady pace of traditional weekly therapy sessions, while others may benefit from a more concentrated approach. This is where therapy intensives come into play. As a therapist specializing in trauma recovery, I have seen the profound impact that therapy intensives can have on individuals seeking to heal from deep-seated emotional wounds.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

EMDR Therapy in Eugene, OR and online throughout Oregon and Washington

As a therapist specializing in trauma recovery, I have witnessed the transformative power of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. This innovative approach to trauma treatment has helped countless individuals process and heal from their traumatic experiences. In this blog post, we will explore what EMDR is, what you can expect from it, who it can benefit, and why it might be more effective than other methods you may have tried. We'll also discuss how to find a qualified EMDR therapist near you and how my training and experience can support your healing journey.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Understanding Brainspotting Therapy

Among the various therapeutic methods available, Brainspotting Therapy stands out as a powerful and effective tool for healing trauma. In this blog post, we will delve into what Brainspotting Therapy is, what you can expect from it, who it is helpful for, and why it may be more beneficial than previous methods you may have tried. Finally, we will guide you on how to find a Brainspotting therapist near you and explain my own expertise and success in using this therapy to help people process and heal from trauma.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Understanding Trauma Therapy

Trauma therapy offers a structured and compassionate approach to help individuals navigate the aftermath of traumatic experiences, facilitating recovery and fostering resilience. In this blog post, we will explore what trauma therapy is, what you can expect from it, who it can help, and why it might be more effective than previous methods you may have tried. Additionally, we will provide guidance on finding a trauma therapist near you and share how I, as a trained trauma therapist, can support you in your healing journey.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

I thought my trauma was behind me…

Many individuals believe that their traumas are safely tucked away in the past. But, past wounds can suddenly and unexpectedly find their way into the present, influencing emotional well-being and daily functioning. As a therapist specializing in trauma recovery, I understand that it can be surprising to discover how the impact of past traumas are subtly shaping your day-to-day life.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Rethinking New Year’s Resolutions

As we approach 2024, the tradition of setting New Year's Resolutions can be both inspiring and overwhelming. From social media feeds filled with ambitious goals to conversations buzzing with self-improvement plans, the pressure to join the resolution bandwagon can be intense.

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