Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

The impact of trauma: PTSD vs. C-PTSD

Trauma can have profound and lasting impacts on an individual's life, influencing their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. While trauma responses can manifest in various forms, two primary conditions are commonly discussed: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD). Understanding the nuances between these two disorders is crucial for effective treatment and support.

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Amanda Buduris Amanda Buduris

Why you shouldn’t hold everything in

In relationships of any kind, the ability to be vulnerable and authentic is crucial for emotional well-being and depth of connection. However, many individuals find themselves navigating environments where revealing their true selves is met with disapproval, judgment, or even rejection. In such spaces, the compulsion to keep secrets and maintain a facade can give rise to a form of psychological trauma that silently takes its toll, often starting at a young age.

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