The Busyness Trap for High Achievers

High achievers are often known for their ability to work tirelessly (and sometimes seemingly endlessly) towards their goals, never seeming to tire or falter.

However, behind this apparent superhuman work ethic often lies a deep-rooted difficulty and discomfort with taking breaks and resting.

In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind this behavior, its dangers, and ways to counteract the drive to always be busy and never stop moving.

Why High Achievers Struggle with Resting

The first reason high achievers struggle with resting is they often tie their self-worth to their productivity and success. When high achievers are not working or achieving, they feel anxiety, guilty, or depressed due to feeling as though they are not living up to their potential, what others expect of them, or what they perceive others expect of them.

Additionally, high achievers often feel like they are racing against the clock (think the Hamilton song “Non-Stop”). They may feel like there is never enough time to accomplish every big and small thing they want to.

This anxiety creates a perceived need to work constantly to make the most of their time.

This mindset (“always do more,” “always do better,” “always think about ‘what’s next’”) can be particularly common in industries that are highly competitive and where there’s a constant pressure to perform at the highest possible level.

Another reason high achievers have a hard time slowing down and resting is they often enjoy the rush of being productive.

As they’re working towards their goals, high achievers can experience a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that can feel almost addicting. This can make it seem impossible and feel highly uncomfortable for high achievers to step away from their work and take a break.

In other words, some people fear losing their sense of purpose and fulfillment.

The Dangers of Not Resting

The dangers of not resting cannot be overstated. When we don’t slow down and take breaks to recover, our bodies and minds can become exhausted.

When we are exhausted and convince ourselves to keep pushing through, we can become burnout, anxious, and depressed.

Further still, when we don’t rest, we are actually more prone to making mistakes and being less productivity.

Finally, not resting can negatively impact our physical health, especially when we burn both ends of the midnight oil. Lack of sleep can lead to a weakened immune system, weight gain, and an increased risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

Ways to Counteract the Drive to Always be Busy

If you are a high achiever struggling with slowing down and taking breaks, there are several strategies you can use to counteract this perceived need to always be busy, and the discomfort that comes with trying to do so. Here are a few:

Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, and can help you identify when you are in an optimal zone of performance and pushing yourself, versus overworking yourself.

When you practice mindfulness, you learn to observe your thoughts without judging them, which can also help you to recognize when you are being overly critical of yourself or pushing yourself too hard.

Create a schedule

This is NOT about creating a schedule and to-do list of everything you want/need to get done. Instead, focus on creating a schedule to help you be more intentional about your time. Focus on ensuring that you are prioritizing rest and relaxation.

When you create a more intentional and holistic schedule, make sure to include time for breaks, exercise, and other activities that you enjoy.

Set boundaries

Setting boundaries on what you do and how you talk to yourself about slowing down can help you protect your time and energy. Learn to say no to things that do not align with your values, goals, or needs, and make sure to set limits on how much work you take on and how much time you spend working.

By setting boundaries, you ensure you are using your time and energy in a way that aligns with your needs and priorities.

Practice self-care

Self-care is essential for high achievers who struggle with slowing down and taking breaks. Self-care can include things like exercise, nutritious eating, and spending time with loved ones. Prioritizing self-care can help recharge your batteries and feel more energized and focused.

Seek support

If you are struggling with slowing down and taking breaks, think about seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist. Talking with someone about your struggles can help you gain perspective and identify strategies to overcome them.

I, myself, am a therapist with high-functioning anxiety and who identifies as a high-achiever. I’m frequently pulled to keep busy and, while that part of me still exists, I’ve been able to learn ways to say “no” to this part and find more balance and peace.

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About the author

Amanda Buduris is a licensed psychologist providing virtual therapy services in Oregon and Washington. She is trained in multiple modalities of trauma-focused healing to best support clients who are looking to feel better faster.


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